Welcome To Our Partners Page
Gaia Dome Solutions is seeking Sustainable Building Partnerships and we are open to strategic partnerships and collaborations.
This site page is currently under construction, the below data is a base reference and may or may not be changed at a later date, as well as the design layout of this page will change once we receive all needed pictures and documentation from our partners.
If you want to partner with us in some way, contact us below. Remember the sky is the limit, we can co-create the world we seek together. Collaboration is the key to building a better world! Partnership with us could mean many things from simple discounts on our products for helping each other (online and offline), selling domes as an affiliate, sending you customers so you give us a discount and vice versa, backlinking our sites, shout-outs and etc. If you have a partnership idea throw it our way. We will be happy to take a look and consider.,
There could be many solution partners, such as (but not limited to):
- Home Builders
- Construction and Carpenter Allies
- Joint Venture Marketing (interviews, web linking, sales, online and offline marketing etc.)
- Sales Teams
- Materials Allies
- Architects/Engineers
Current Strategic Partners
Current Joint Venture Marketing